
a more normal post...i guess. (pardon me for the sudden subject changes inside)

haiz. sad that the swedish teamers are all gone...the presence of fikka is gone. i miss brad hawkes the most ahh! and ive only known him for say what, two days?

lol our turn to carry the torch for asia anyways. it is my earnest desire to go for london 1`08, but seriously i dont think its gonna happen because of PO (pokemon overload).

Matt and Zhiguo got back their o level results today...zhiguo was happy with his, matt wasnt...will pray that he gets into a non-engineering course...but Jah always has the bigger picture. Cheer up Matt!!

Lisa was warning me today about KS' team...well it wouldn't do if I was the only guy in a predominantly girls team eh? So im with you bro...

Lol which reminds me of what I did to Eli when she was alone muahaha. No its not scandalous, its just a prank I did which was very funny! Hahaha...ok maybe its just plain evil and bad. But I found it funny. (Big thanks to Sha and Jenn for this idea.)

While going back home on tuesday, I stopped to buy bubble tea and Eli went on to the bus stop first and then when I rushed to catch up with her a devious idea surfaced within my mind. Muaha. I waited until she was crossing the bridge alone...then I quietly went up, tapped her on the shoulder, and said in a very low and commanding voice, "Xiao jie."

Then she turned around and gave me a SHOCKED FACE. Then a look of REALISATION. Oh my goodness that was classic! LMAO. Then she proceeded with being Eli (loud voice). Later met Eric at the bus stop and together they fled from my presence. Muahahhahahah.

Should I post a love letter I wrote to God? Duno. I shall wait and see if by chance someone comes, views my blog and then gives an opinion.


first post is the first impression; you might find me weird yeah? XD

hey there! the reason i created this blog is because sha asked me to create it. so i guess i will post here once in a while...if i have nothing better to do. ok right now im sitting in class with a retarded sha...he is acting like a retard seriously.

he says hes very stressed...but if ur stressed please do not act like that. excuse me, please do not take out ur highlighter and start colouring my arm YOU HEAR ME? yep. hes giving me stupid looks now...that idiot. man im bored.

lawlawlawlawlawlaw. if there is no law, there is no judgement. if there is no judgement, there is no peace. if there is no peace, there is chaos. sometimes i wonder why people dont like to follow law...like the simple things like waiting for the green man before crossing the street. is it so fun to rebel against the law?

i have found some sort of personal joy in adhering to the law...in my own teenagerish sort of way. not littering, green man waiting etc. yep! no longer get a kick out of rebelling yeah? guess i learnt all of this after reading fear of the Lord by john bevere...man that guys book led me to my white funeral and i REALLY recommend every christian to read that book. teaches a lot of stuff that churches nowadays dont really have.

lynne is talking in front of the class now lol. anyway let me talk about foreign food now. i just went to germany about a month ago and i can honestly say that i didnt really enjoy it.
1. cold with a maximum temperature of 0 degrees celcius
2. expensive
3. food is nice and tasty but i duno why i fell sick after eating.
4. too much alcohol? i used to like alcohol but after going to germany my apetite for it sorta fell?
alcohol is the cheapest drink there and i think my body was not used to such a high alcohol content everyday. yea...beer champagne wine.

i think i fell sick the moment i went to a public toilet...and went for lunch after that. unsure of the cleanliness of the toilet and after eating i felt extremely uncomfortable and nauseous and soon...i puked in the tour bus. MUAHAHAHA SHA JUST DROPPED HIS PHONE. anyway, that kinda spoilt the whole holiday for me cos i really, really cannot take nausea.

couldnt eat much after i fell sick, just stuck to basics like eggs, fruit juice and clear soup. couldnt eat meat, could feel butterfiles in my stomach everytime i looked at some restaurant with meat on display. ah well.

well there is one point in the whole trip that i liked very much. mount pilatus! its a mountain which is 2km high, and my tour group and i took a gondola all the way up to the peak. snow everywhere, but it wasnt cold because the sun was up without any clouds to block its rays (the clouds were way below us). after that my sister and i climbed to the peak of the mountain with treacherous climb...quite slippery. when you get to the top and look around, man its beautiful.

there is a greatest expanse of blue sky you could have ever seen in your whole life, with a bright star shining down upon you and warming you in an otherwise cold environment. looking down, there was fluffy cotton wool clouds everywhere and there was mountains in the distance which pierced through the clouds and man it was majestic and beautiful.

i want to say more but i have to do some silly question because my friend got it wrong...zzz.